OPPO发布0605版本新固件 203/205正式支持Dolby Vision
【家庭影院网 HDAV.com.cn】在经过短暂的BETA测试之后,OPPO正式激活并发布了新版固件的Dolby Vision HDR功能,这也是在全球首发Dolby Vision 4K UHD蓝光《卑鄙的我1&2》之后,全球首款支持Dolby Vision技术的4K蓝光机,只要你家中的电视支持Dolby Vision就可以享受它的色彩魅力了。 转自laowoniu.com

但是目前国行版本和国外版本不能通刷,需要等待国内的更新才可以使用。有关新版固件的介绍详见官网:http://www.oppodigital.com/blu-ray-udp-203/UDP203-firmware-45-0605.aspx 转自www.laowoniu.com
Comparing to the previous Official release version UDP20X-42-0329, the major changes included in this version are: 转自老蜗牛家庭影院博客
Added Dolby Vision support. A Dolby Vision enabled TV is required to view content in Dolby Vision.Added Sharpness adjustment support for the 4K resolution.Improved HDMI audio stability when using an HDMI Split A/V connectionChanged the color depth info display of the HDMI In port to 8b/10b/12b instead of 24b/30b/36b.General fixes and disc compatibility improvements based on recent and upcoming UHD Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted samples. 微信号:hdavcomcn

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